
Guardian Unlimited | Kirkon tornit mobiili ja Wi-Fi mastoiksi

Guardian unlimited kertoo otsikolla Surfaten vapaana kuin pilvi. Isä Greenillä on pulma. Kirkko Englannissa on rahapulassa. Kirkontorneja aiotaan vuokrata mobiiliyhteyksien toimittajille ettei niiden tarvitse rakentaa uusia mastoja lisää


Surfing as free as a cloud

Like many priests, Father Green faces a dilemma. The church is broke. Earlier this year, the Archbishop's Council announced a plan to offer the use of Church of England steeples to mobile phone companies wanting to erect new masts. It would bring in much needed cash, but Father Green is a progressive priest, and he thinks there may be another way to connect the church to the wireless age.

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