
Mitä kirkko voisi oppia politiikan kampanjoista - LifeChurch.tv : swer

Loukkaamaatta ketään voisi ottaa oppia: tehokkaasta tiedottamista, vapaaehtoisten motivoinnista, pienien ja suurten joukkojen organisoinnista, varojen keräämisestä, ja sosiaalisesta verkosta

Politiikasta voisi ottaa oååia teknikasta, strategiasta, taktiikasta, markkinoinnista ja viestinnästä. Sanomamme tarvitsee näitä elementttejä.

What should the Church be learning from political campaigns? - LifeChurch.tv : swerve: "It may be offensive to some to compare the efforts of political campaigns with those of the Church, but I really do think there are many things we can learn including: effective communication, motivating voluteers, organizing large and small groups of people, fundraising, social networking, etc.

What are some specific examples of things that you’ve seen political campaigns do that the Church could/should learn from? Now, please don’t turn this post into a political rant about who you are supporting or specific political issues that you do/don’t support. I won’t allow it. I’m simply interested in what we can learn from the systems, techniques, strategy, tactics, marketing, communication, use of the web/technology, etc."

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