
Pelkästään tuomitsemalla ei tavoiteta kirkon jäseniä!
 | Ministry Marketing Coach

Tutkijat: Amerikkalaiset ovat kaikki käyneet ainakin kerran kirkoissa. Jos kirkot olisivat tehneet paremmin pastoraattinsa työn, kurinsa ja kirkkoon tulleiden mobilisoinnin, ne olisivat kohdanneet maan ja se olisi muuttunut.

You Can Reach Your Community Just by Discipling Your Church Members. No, Really!
 | Ministry Marketing Coach: "You Can Reach Your Community Just by Discipling Your Church Members. No, Really!

By chris | March 19, 2009

Researchers tell us that the overwhelming majority of Americans have attended a church before. If only churches could have done a better job of ministering to, discipling, and mobilizing the people who came to their churches they could have already reached and changed the country. It is not the front door of the church that pastors should focus on, it is the back door!"

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